
Aurora™ Bright Light 10,000 Lux Full Spectrum Light Therapy Box for SAD

Our brightest and best, medical grade, non-LED full spectrum light therapy box | Free Contiguous US Shipping!
Aurora™ is made to order at our facility in NY. Due to increased demand, current order processing time for Aurora™ is 2 months.


The best light therapy box for SAD

Our flagship, non-LED medical-grade full spectrum light therapy box provides the necessary 10,000 Lux of UV-free full spectrum bright white light at a 2-foot distance.

While it's the best full spectrum light therapy box for SAD or depression, anyone can benefit from the beautiful and bright full spectrum light of the Aurora light box! 

🌓 resets circadian rhythm and restores healthy sleeping patterns

⚡️ immediately increases energy and alertness

😊 improves mood and productivity

Whether you suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder or generally feel a little off during the winter, light therapy restores a lot of zing to winter life!

Sunlight is an essential ingredient in life, but many of us don't get enough of the bright, health-stimulating light we need - especially around this time of the year. As the days get shorter leading up to winter, we get less time under the bright sun, which is necessary to keep our circadian cycles and health in balance.

High-quality, bright, full spectrum light is a magical thing, and the awakening effects of Aurora™ are immediately noticeable: you'll feel more alert, energized, and motivated within minutes of turning on your light! If you're looking for an extra kick to get the morning going and motivation to cross items off your list, you'll love Aurora's energizing effects - even if SAD isn't a concern! 

Professional, high-grade quality that will last you a lifetime of winters.

While most light therapy lamps are throw-away, the Aurora™ light therapy box will be in your wellness toolkit for the rest of your life. All you'll need to do is change out the bulbs as needed!

The Aurora™ consists of 2 main components:

The "Box": an artisan-quality metal case enclosure (with carrying handle) that is hand-made in Brooklyn, NY, with a special prismatic lens covering to deflect glare and filter out any UV. 

The Light: 2 Lumichrome® High CRI full spectrum fluorescent tubes. Made in Germany, Lumichrome® is the highest quality, closest simulation of the noontime sun available in a light bulb (98 CRI, 5000K). This is Lumiram's propriety full spectrum fluorescent lamp; no other light therapy bulb out there will match the quality/color/efficacy of these particular specialty light bulbs.

LED vs. Fluorescent Light Therapy Lamps

While most light therapy lamps these days use LED technology, the Aurora™ light therapy box is one of the few units you'll find that uses full spectrum fluorescent technology. This is especially important for those dealing with photo or vision sensitivities who cannot otherwise tolerate the bright LED light from most LED light therapy lamps. 

This light therapy box is also a very effective and portable bright full spectrum light source. When you finish your light therapy session, turn the unit around to shine against a wall and help illuminate your space with bright and beautiful white light!

Coupled with a cozy nook and your morning cup of hot coffee (or tea, if you prefer), winter mornings never felt so good! 

Discover the power of high-quality, bright white light!

Please also note: Aurora™ is made to order at our facility in New York. Please allow a few extra days for processing. If your order also includes light bulbs, not to worry; they will be sent separately. 

Your unit includes light bulbs, of course, but you may want to bookmark this link for replacement bulbs in the future or grab some now! 

Disclaimers: This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Lumiram and Healthlighting make no claims, representations, or warranties regarding the ability of this product to cure any physical or mental condition. A qualified health professional should be consulted regarding any condition(s) requiring medical attention. Please consult your physician or therapist to see if light therapy is right for you. 

How to Use
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⚡️increase energy + alertness

🌗 reset circadian rhythm + sleeping patterns

😀 improve mood

Full Spectrum Bright Light Therapy

How it works

Without enough of the bright white light exposure needed to stimulate the hypothalamus, a part of the brain linked to the body's internal clock controlling the sleep-wake schedule (among many other things), the body may increase its production of the sleep hormone melatonin while decreasing the production of serotonin, the feel-good brain chemical that helps regulate mood. Light therapy lamps help mimic the approximate brightness and color temperature of sunlight during the day to help to reset the body's internal clock, improve energy, and uplift mood.

Our eyes detect the presence of light through specialized non-visual forming photoreceptors containing the photopigment melanopsin. Melanopsin is most reactive to shortwave blue light, which, if activated by its presence, sends off a signal to our brain's hypothalamus.


Who it's for

The most common use of light therapy is to treat SAD, a type of seasonal depression during the fall and winter caused by a lack of sunshine. But you don't need to suffer from a clinical diagnosis of SAD to enjoy the stimulating benefits of bright light therapy: think of bright white light as a vitamin to be taken each day for optimal health and wellness! 


Does the Aurora™ emit UV light?

While full spectrum fluorescence does emit a negligebale amount of UV, it will all be filtered out by the prismatic lens covering the lightbox.

Is EMF a concern?

No; light therapy is only used for short stints of time each day up to 30 minutes max and shouldn't have any effect. We place more concern on the other light bulbs that are in use all day and night! That said, always choose fluorescent-based models like the Aurora™ over LED if EMF is a top concern.

Can't I just use full spectrum or daylight light bulbs for SAD?

It won't hurt, but to rely on light bulbs alone will leave you wanting more. A common misconception is that a full spectrum light bulb serves as light therapy on its own. We wish that were the case, but in truth, the dose of light needed to elicit a biological response in humans is bright - so bright that you wouldn't be able to use it as a general light source. Light therapy uses specialized high lux (high brightness) full spectrum bulbs instead that are intended to provide the necessary does of bright white light.

That said, full spectrum bulbs such as Chromalux® help so much with general well-being and have many other amazing benefits (like nourishing infrared, more vibrant colors, and easier readbility) over standard, general-use light bulbs. Definitely use them in conjunction with your light therapy sessions for the greatest effect!  

How should I use my light therapy lamp?

Use your light therapy device in the morning

Light therapy is most effective when used in the morning. (You don't want a bright dose of blue light keeping you wired through the evening)! 

Keep it on the kitchen counter or on your desk at work in the morning.

Place up to 2 feet away from you, to your side

Your light therapy manufacturer can tell you exactly how close you should be to your device to get benefits, but a general guideline is about 2 feet. 

Let the light shine into open eyes, but don't look at it directly!

The most important thing is for light to reach your open eyes. If you work using blue light filtering glasses, you'll want to take those off while using light therapy for the most effective dose. 

Try for 20 minutes at first to see how you respond; you should begin to feel a sense of alertness. If you start feeling jittery, that's an indication to place your unit a little further away or use it for less time. You'll soon learn how your body best responds!

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Robert F.
Money well spent!!!

It works great, It got rid of that winter time RUN DOWN FEELING.
Even if I'm not getting enough sleep I'll be sleepy but not dragging like I had been feeling.
Also I think it boost your sex drive.

Meets expectations at a good price

Well crafted unit meets expectations. Improvements would include a dimmer and rubber feet on two sides so the unit can be stood the tall way. Satisfied customer and I would recommend to others.


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