Since 1959

The original light bulbs
for health & wellness

Pure, Vibrant Colors

Like photoshop for real life

Live life in full color

Chromalux® is a unique light source that purifies dulling frequencies of the visible light spectrum, strengthening red, blue and green values as a result.

Strikingly similar to the rich and vibrant appearance of colors under natural sunlight, you'll notice that the colors, textures, and tones in your home become more vibrant and alive under Chromalux® light. Just like photoshop for real life.

Soothe your mind + body

An oasis of soothing light

Our beloved full spectrum light bulbs are gentler on the body and eyes than traditional indoor lighting.

While you may find "flicker-free" and other so-called natural lighting, nothing compares to the nourishing, purely analog light of a Chromalux® light bulb. 

In our overstimulated modern lives, it’s the simpler things that can provide the most benefit. 

Powered by Lumiram

Our story starts in Finland

The Chromalux® full spectrum light bulb is the original light bulb for health and wellness. Its origins are in Finland, land of the midnight sun, where life must be sustained in near total darkness during the winter months.

Extensive research and testing there resulted in the design of this unique light source, which closely simulates natural sunlight. This lighting technology, brought to the U.S. by Lumiram and its founders in the 1970s, has allowed people to see brighter and more vibrant colors, enhancing spaces and well-being alike.

Pure light as nature intended


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