
While it may be common knowledge that a lack of natural light contributes to various health problems, the topic of health and light usually ends there. Plenty of information exists regarding natural light and the various disorders (like seasonal affective disorder) that arise from a lack of it, but what about discussing the type of indoor lighting we use? Wouldn't a lack of natural lighting indoors affect us too?

Of course it does! That's why we do what we do.

Indoor lighting - when done right - can in many ways improve your well-being (and, for some, your health). 

But not all light is the same; here's precisely what to look out for if best health is in your interest. 

What does light do for us in general?

Stating the obvious, light allows us to see. But the extent of how well we see depends mainly on the type of light we use. Of course, natural light is always best, but what about when that's not available?

How we see = How we feel

Our ability to see our environment accurately correlates directly to our well-being. Think about it: how do you feel after spending time in a poorly-lit space? Probably not great. Indoor lighting profoundly affects us. That's why we love natural light pouring in through our windows; it evenly illuminates interiors with balanced, pure light that makes everything look better, and by extension, makes us feel better. 

A note on blue light 

In a modern era necessitating blue-light filtering glasses and the use of screen filters after sunset, we've grown used to the idea that blue light is dangerous.

But here's the thing.

Blue light is a fundamental and biologically necessary portion of the light spectrum, the specific type of light that innervates our circadian rhythm and the resulting cascade of biological processes that keeps our bodies running in good health. 

So, while "artificial" blue light from screens and other electronics isn't the greatest idea (especially at night), blue light is present naturally in sunlight during the morning and daytime hours. It's a necessary ingredient in the recipe for good health.

In other words: blue light is necessary, just not at night: it's stimulating and prevents our bodies from winding down for a night of deep and restorative rest. 

What are the best light bulbs for health?

Just like anything else concerning best health - think natural foods sans additives, preservatives, and other ingredients our biology doesn't understand or have use for - the best light bulb for your health is the analog type, the one that best mimics light from our natural source, the sun. 

By definition, then, the absolute healthiest light bulb is incandescent (or halogen)

Just as the sun radiates heat, producing the visible light spectrum we can see, an incandescent light bulb (and its brighter counterpart, the halogen incandescent) does much the same thing. 

An electrical current heats the base of an incandescent light bulb, which produces heat and visible light when conducted through the filament housed inside.

When we say incandescent bulbs are the closest thing to natural sunlight, we weren't kidding; the act of incandescence makes them one and very much the same - and our body recognizes its light as such. 

Is a full spectrum daylight bulb necessary for good health?

Apart from using full spectrum bulbs with a 5000-6500K color temperature in the morning and daytime to stimulate alertness, you don't necessarily need these types of bulbs throughout the day for optimal health. Also, be aware of the light technology: any light bulb in this higher, cooler color temperature range is most likely either LED or fluorescent. 

So, while we absolutely suggest using a light therapy box or full spectrum daylight fluorescents during morning and daytime to increase energy and keep circadian rhythms in sync, please be sure to note the quality. Look for bulbs with a high CRI from a reputable manufacturer. 

Additionally, apart from applications specifying the need for a true full spectrum bulb (such as growing plants or basking reptiles in UV), most of us would benefit as much from a pure light source with a balanced color spectrum.


On its own, an incandescent or halogen light bulb produces the purest, most natural form of artificial lighting. We suggest using incandescent or halogen bulbs throughout the day + night if you're after a greater sense of well-being. Also - unlike most harshly flickering LED or fluorescent bulbs - incandescents (and color-correct halogens like Chromalux®) will also be the healthiest type of light for your eyes!

Especially during shorter fall and winter days, Chromalux® full spectrum incandescent light bulbs will make a positive change in how you feel and show up every day. The analog glow of incandescence supports our bodies and our health (and has the added benefit of nourishing infrared), while the signature neodymium-compounded glass purifies light in an uplifting, yet soothing way - unlike any ordinary light bulb. Use them to support your mood, creativity, and overall well-being all year with no fear of blue light interrupting your sleep. 

Light is an absolutely fundamental part of life, and a beautiful, inspiring gift of nature. We'd like to keep it as such! Choose better, natural light bulbs and start unwinding a bit!

Wishing you all the best in light and health! 


💡Thanks for reading!

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Experience the uniquely beautiful, natural light of Chromalux® full spectrum with this full spectrum incandescent best sellers bundle (includes 4 standard light bulbs)

Some of our other favorite healthy light bulbs for the home or office?

Chromalux® 60W incandescent bulb

Chromalux® 75W incandescent bulb

Chromalux® 40W B10 Candelabra bulb

Get 10% off your first order
