With the shorter fall and winter days comes less time under natural sunlight.
For some, this time of year is nostalgic and cozy. For many others however, the time leading up to and through winter is a difficult one: feelings of sadness, fatigue, and a general lack of motivation start to feel commonplace. Feelings may vary, but many of us will feel the effects of less time under the sun.
Today we answer an oft-asked question during this time of the year: can I use full spectrum light bulbs for SAD or the winter blues?
Let’s first define a few terms:
What are the winter blues:
The winter blues refers to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD for short), a type of seasonal-related depression. Though most of us have a tendency towards feeling a bit more lethargic during the fall and winter months, SAD is a diagnosis in which people consistently start to display symptoms of malaise and sadness in the fall, continuing into the winter months.
What are the symptoms of SAD?
Common symptoms of SAD include:
Feeling depressed or hopeless
Feeling low in energy, sluggish, and agitated
Problems sleeping
Difficulty concentrating
What causes SAD?
During the fall and winter months, we don’t get enough of the sunlight exposure needed to stimulate the hypothalamus, a part of the brain linked to our body’s internal clocks controlling the sleep-wake schedule, among other things. Without enough bright light stimulation from the sun, our brain may increase its production of the sleep hormone melatonin, while decreasing the production of serotonin, the feel-good brain chemical that helps regulate mood.
What are full spectrum light bulbs? What is a light therapy box? Are they different?
A full spectrum light bulb emits a light spectrum that simulates the full visible light spectrum of natural sunlight (learn more about full spectrum lighting here). A full spectrum light bulb is a light bulb like any other in that it may be used without restrictions, yet it emits the full visible light spectrum our bodies need.
A light therapy box provides striking, bright white light using fluorescent or LED light in a color temperature between 5000-6500K, which is consistent with the color temperature of the sun at noon. Light therapy boxes emit 10,000 lux (a measure of the perceived brightness of light) of blue/white, more energetic wavelengths, intended to trigger a biological response in our bodies.
Light boxes produce very powerful light, and are therefore intended as therapy and not a source of general illumination. The goal is to sit in front of a light box for up to 30 minutes per day, allowing your eyes and body to receive a simulation of sunlight that would otherwise be difficult to receive this time of the year.
As you can see, full spectrum light bulbs and light therapy boxes are different; use full spectrum light bulbs as you would a normal light bulb - that is for general illumination, but much more enhanced! Light therapy is precisely as its name describes - a therapy - and offers our eyes and bodies therapeutic bright doses of “sunlight” to regulate our body’s processes and start feeling like our normal selves again during these duller months.
So … can I use full spectrum light bulbs for SAD?
Of course, though not as prescribed by a doctor for the standalone treatment of SAD.
We like to think of full spectrum light bulbs as a complement to therapeutic doses of bright light therapy, providing us with the full spectrum of visible light our bodies need.
However, over the years, we've realized that there exist certain individuals for whom the super bright light of a light therapy box may just be too much to handle (those with eye sensitivities for example). For these people, we always recommend using the highest wattage Chromalux® full spectrum light bulb that their eyes can comfortably tolerate.
Our recommendations for the best SAD light bulbs
Not all full spectrum lighting is made equal. If you're forgoing a SAD light box for certain sensitivities to light, you'll find the majority (all?) of the full spectrum light bulbs out there to be difficult to tolerate as well: they are all daylight white LED, and while they may have a full spectrum of visible light, be flicker-free, etc., the light emitted is still "digital" - it's a bit abrasive and a far cry from the analog technology of incandescent or halogen light bulbs, which produce a light most like natural sunlight.
So, if that's you (or someone you love), any of the following Chromalux® full spectrum light bulbs will make a big difference in how you feel. The analog glow of incandescence supports our bodies and our health (and has the added benefit of nourishing infrared), while the signature neodymium-compounded glass filters light in a purifying and soothing way - unlike any ordinary light bulb. We particularly love using this Chromalux® 100W incandescent bulb in desk and floor lamps for extra dose of creativity and inspiration during these duller months!
Some other light bulbs we find can work well for SAD or depression in general:
Chromalux® Full Spectrum 100W Incandescent Bulb (Clear Glass)
Chromalux® Full Spectrum 150W Incandescent Bulb (Clear Glass)
Chromalux® Full Spectrum 72W Enhanced Bulb (Frosted Glass)
Final thoughts
If you suffer from the winter blues, you’ll need to supplement your mornings with a bright light therapy box to help eradicate those feelings and reset your body's internal clock. If you just feel a little dull during the winter, though perhaps not to the extent of SAD, you can still benefit from the stimulating and awakening effects of bright light therapy.
Our medical-grade Aurora™ 10,000 lux full spectrum light therapy box is a perfect desk or kitchen counter companion during the darker months. Try the HappyMood Pro SAD Lamp for portable light therapy with adjustable levels.
In addition to using a light therapy unit, we highly recommend swapping out some of your generic light bulbs for Chromalux® full spectrum light bulbs. These bulbs offer a unique combination of purity and color balance, in addition to bringing you a non-LED, nourishing, incandescent glow that supports your well-being.
It’s also worth mentioning that sometimes, our sadness is programmed into us around this time of the year. You may start feeling relief from just shifting your focus during this time of the year to feelings of renewal and nourishment. Armed with a different mindset and healthier lighting, you may just start to see winter in a whole different light!
All the best in light and health!
Pro-tip: If you can't swap out all your light bulbs, try the supplemental approach and replace only the bulbs in places where you use light in close proximity: i.e., a bedside table lamp, a desk lamp by your workspace, or a floor lamp by the couch. Make the light that's closest to you count - it makes a world of difference!
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